How to use the statistics information
Statistics Tab
- Visit the ‘Statistics’ section if you want to:
- View data relating to your Channel
- View data related to selected video(s)
- By default, the Statistics section presents the data for the whole Channel (for all videos)
- The data can be filtered by
- Start date – filter by content published on or after this date
- End date – filter by content published up to and on this date
- Range – filters based on the date of publishing the video, automatically defines the start and end dates
- Title – list of all your published videos
- Select one video or multiple videos at a time
- When you use any filter, it will apply to the data shown (the data fields are automatically refreshed)
Please note: Statistics are updated once daily on Recast Publish
Definition of each statistic
Total Purchases: The sum of all purchases of your video(s) from this Channel (in the selected period and for selected videos)
Total Earnings: The sum of all your earnings across your Channel for purchases, shared video purchases (in the selected period and for selected videos)
Earnings Direct: The total of all your earnings from your own videos
Earnings From Videos You Share: The sum of your earnings from others’ videos after being shared by or on this Channel (in the selected time period)
Total Referrals: Total number of Fans who have signed up after following a referral link from this Channel
No. Referrals Spent 200: Total number of Fans who have spent 200 Cast Credits after signing up after following a referral link from this Channel
Avg. Earnings per Video: The average earnings amount per video (in the selected period and for selected videos)
Avg. Daily Referrals: The average per day of the number of Fans who have signed up after following a referral link from this Channel
Total Purchases From Shares: Quantity of all purchases made by Fans from links you shared to others’ videos
Avg. Share Purchases Per Video: The average quantity of purchases generated from links you shared per selected video
Avg. Purchase Price: The average price of your videos (in the selected period and for selected videos)
Total Number of videos: The total quantity of all videos uploaded over time