Channel Trailers
Last updated:
March 6, 2024
Upload & Publish a Channel Trailer
- Select the Channel Trailer option from the menu in Recast Publish.
- Click choose file, and select the file to upload, add a trailer title, description and thumbnail.
- If the trailer contains any advertising, you should click ‘yes’ to the question: ‘Does this video contain advertising’ and complete the legal advertising questions.
- The first trailer uploaded will appear in the Channel Trailers page. Please note that your trailer will be published automatically when it finishes uploading and will be available to fans on your channel.
Unpublish a Channel Trailer
- To unpublish a trailer, click ‘Published’, which will unpublish the trailer and change the icon to ‘Not Published’.
Managing Channel Trailers
From the Channel Trailer page, you can manage the trailers you have uploaded.
- Share: Click the ‘Share’ icon to share your published trailer across social media
- Edit: If you need to change the name or description of your trailer, select the pencil edit icon
- Embed: The embed function allows you to copy the code and embed the trailers on other sites
- View: You can view the trailer within Recast Publish > Channel Trailer Page
- Published/Not Published: Trailers will be published or unpublished by clicking the ‘Publish’ icon.
How your trailer looks on the Fan Site
- On the Fan site, your free channel trailer will appear below your Channel Name, thumbnail and description, Fans can scroll down to view your latest videos.